segunda-feira, 27 de outubro de 2014


ALUNO:_______________________________________________________________ TURMA: _________________ ESCOLA:_______________________________________________________________ DATA: __________________ 
Eating the Right Stuff 
Most fast food is not healthy and can make you fat. If you eat at a fast food place, don’t order onlysandwiches and French fries. Include a salad or some frozen yogurt.Watch how much soda you drink. It’s full of sugar and has no calcium or vitamins. How aout somemilk or fruit !uice"#our ody needs many kinds of food to help you stay healthy and feel well.$hat’s why it’s a good idea to have several servings a day from each of the main food groups.
The thing the professor forgot. US Department of Agriculture. Home and garden bulletin number 229. (Adapted)
1- According to the text, to stay healthy is necessarya) ( ) don’t order only sandwiches and French fries.b) ( ) to change soda for milk or jice.c) ( ) to eat many kinds of food.d) ( ) to ha!e good ideas.
The Earth
$he surface of the %arth is covered y land and water.&nly aout one third '()*+ of the surface of the %arth is covered y land.$here are si ig areas of areas of land called continents. $hey are- merica, %urope, sia, frica,&ceania and ntarctica.Water 'rivers, seas, oceans, lakes, etc.+ covers aout two thirds '/)*+ of our planet. $here are five oceanson %arth- the 0acific, the tlantic, the Indian, the rtic and the 1outhern &cean.
Apostila Anglo

 Elaine Maria Geremias Fonseca – PIP/CBC – SRE Caxambu

 Elaine Maria Geremias Fonseca – PIP/CBC – SRE Caxambu

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